Seeing those flashing lights in your review mirror and knowing at that moment that you’ve made a mistake is a terrible and scary feeling. Moving forward after being charged with a DWI can be a confusing time, one where it’s easy to make mistakes and further incriminate yourself if you’re not careful. Here are the steps to take immediately following your DWI charge.

Hire an Attorney

The first step anyone should take in this situation is to hire reputable and reliable defense attorneys. You need to work with professionals who have experience in this field and can guide you each step of the way to take some of the stress off your shoulders.

Document Anything and Everything

It’s simple for factual information to get muddled over time, especially when someone is under significant distress. That’s why it’s crucial that you write down every single thing you remember from beginning to end. This includes what you remember from the time of being intoxicated, getting pulled over, the conversation with the police, and any following relevant information. You never know what lawyers could find useful when fighting your case.

Obtain the Police Report

Your DWI defense attorney will be helpful with this step, however, it’s important that you exercise your right to get a copy of the police report. The information in this document will allow your attorneys to structure a defense without being blindsided by information that wasn’t shared.

Make Social Accounts Private

This step is something everyone should consider to keep your private life just that – private. Your social accounts are an easy way to gather incriminating evidence against you. If a friend posted a video or picture of your drinking that day or you posted a status with an abundance of spelling errors, this can all be used against you.

Keep Yourself Grounded

It’s easy to panic in this situation, but it’s crucial to keep your wits about you. Becoming aggressive, either verbally or physically, can get you in even more trouble. Keep open communication with your lawyer and remind yourself that you’re not alone. Take the proper steps to follow the law and redeem your mistakes and your life will return to normal in no time.

Did you know that you’re considered legally intoxicated in Texas when your blood alcohol concentration reaches 0.08%, according to the Texas Department of Transportation? If you’ve been pulled over and charged with a DWI due to this fact, it’s time to contact DWI defense attorneys you can rely on. Call the Law Firm of Patrick Short today!